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Amateur athletes

So I just want to lay this out. This isn't anything new, but I believe there is a widespread amount of athletes in college that get a fair amount of compensation, which is of course illegal by NCAA rules.

I think it happens in most Division 1 schools and also in D2, but the question is the degree that it happens. I think people would be shocked if they knew the truth though.

There is this hush hush background culture that operates outside the normal communication channels that work to keep things out of the news and away from the attention of the NCAA and media. Well, some of the media are probably in on it too.

When you look around and see fan bases that want to win as badly as some of the schools do, you think that they are going to obey NCAA rules? No way. The benefits of winning far outweigh the punishments that a school would receive.

Look at the situation that happened to Miami a few years ago. This big time Miami supporter who gave these football players tons of benefits, including money, cars, prostitutes, etc. got in trouble and then asked the school to help him out. Only when he received no help from the people he felt he had helped, then he went to the press and started telling them things that went on and Miami got into a bunch of trouble. But with the stuff he said, how can all of this go on and no one in enforcement was the wiser? It's this whole culture that exists that most people never hear about.

There was the Cam Newton thing where his Dad said he wanted to go to Miss State but they wouldn't pay him the 200K that Auburn did so he didn't go there. Then his Dad said that was a joke later after it blew up. You hear stuff like this all the time.

Let's pick on Alabama. They get their pick of the top players in the country along with some other select few schools. How is it that, for example, a running back being recruited by them is eager to sign onto the team when he is like the 12th in line to play? Many of these guys don't see the field with any significant time until their Senior year. Why would they opt to play at Alabama over other schools where they could likely from the start? Well, getting paid is one reason.

Again, you look at an NFL team, they don't just have players from Alabama, Clemson and Ohio State on their roster. You find these guys from schools all over the place so it isn't like you can't make it at other schools. NFL teams aren't just looking at 3 or 4 schools for their players.

I don't think the facilities are that much better at Alabama than other schools although I am sure they are nice. Is the coaching staff better? Again, they have good coaches there, but there are tons of other quality coaches at other schools too.

I understand winning a national championship is nice, but I believe a lot of the kids' goals on that team are to make the NFL and hit a huge payday. You ask them why they are going to Alabama and they will say that they get an opportunity to win the national title. This is true, but what are they going to say?

I think this goes on primarily in men's basketball and football but it very well could trickle to other sports also. Part of the issue is the amount of money schools make from athletic success.

Again, this isn't something new, but it's just my thoughts on the whole matter.

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